Thursday 22 September 2016


Place : Cubicle ( lecturer's office )
Network Architecture : Client Server
Network Topology : Star Topology
Network Classification : Local Area Network (LAN)

First of all its start it with the network architecture, which in this model is client server.
Where a computer device act as a server which provide services where the other device are client where they request services from the server. Now with this architecture the data and the information will be centralized at the server. It also wouldn't slow down with heavy use.

Next , the topology for this model is star topology. Because it use a central device which is switch to connect all the device together. Moreover, with this topology, when a device is breakdown it wont effect other device. It also didn't effect the network if there is an addition or removal of devices in the network.

Next, this model classification of network is LAN ( local area network ), the main point is because it is within a building. This network connect computer and devices in a limited geographical area.

This network model is base on 'Cubicle' which is the lecturer's office in Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor

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